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key points for dental implant

 key points for dental implant

Today, we are going to explain 10 key points that you must know before implant. Then, we will discuss if these questions can help you to decide


Today, we are going to explain 10 key points that you must know before implant. Then, we will discuss if these questions can help you to decide about doing implant. As we all know, the aim of modern dentistry is contour reconstruction (tooth form) and/or function (performance), comfort, style, talking and bringing back the natural health of the patient

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شهرک غرب - بلوار دادمان - بین خیابان فلامک و بلوار فرحزادی - خیابان فخارمقدم - کوچه گلبرگ یکم شرقی- پلاک 4 - واحد 2
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مسیر دسترسی: میدان صنعت، بلوار فرحزادی، بیمارستان آتیه. (از بیمارستان آتیه به سمت خیابان فلامک، خیابان گلستان)

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